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I know. I know. Outages weren’t that common in the days of gold ole cable TV. But they happened then, too. Sometimes, the problem, even on the day of cable, was some issue in the house. A mouse gnawed on the cable, the cable got unscrewed, etc. So, when you are wondering why won’t any of my streaming services work? Chances are it is NOT an issue with the streaming services. But an issue in the house or with the setup.
To verify, make sure it’s truly not just one service that isn’t working, but see if it’s just that nothing is working. Once confirmed…
Try following this checklist to get your shows streaming again:
Yes, corporate guys and gals would laugh when IT “fixes” a problem by restarting their computers. The same applies here. Turn the WiFi system on and off, and the TV will be the same. If you watch through a Roku device, unplug it and plug it back in as well.
Have you tried the Roku Ultra?
Check the cables
Sometimes cables from the router to the first Eero or even into the TV or the Roku can get loose. Check the cables next.
Read next: Simple Cable Management Ideas to Try
Check the internet and signal
Is your TV getting an internet signal? Check the TV settings and also check on your phone or the Eero app to see if a signal is coming in and is being distributed.
Try a WiFi mesh system in your house for better signal
Is the TV connected to the network? Check. Many TVs now will give us a warning when they aren’t.
Those checks should work when it’s ALL of the services that are now working. If it’s just one that isn’t working try these steps:
- Is there an outage? (Ask Perplexity: “Is <network name> experiencing an outage?”)
- Check your subscriptions
- Verify you are logged in correctly
- Restarting can help here, too.