Why is Apple Podcast not working?

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The app I use for my podcast listening is kind of a moving target to begin with. I used to like Google Podcasts and now that’s dead. I used to listen on Spotify and currently Apple Podcast is where I have most of my “subscriptions.” So it was quite annoying to see that all of the shows I followed, had been unfollowed. And not by me. In other words, why is Apple Podcast not working? After all, I was not getting any notifications for new shows.

Turns out that other people have reported this issue and it’s kind of annoying because how do you even catch it? I only open the app when I get a notification of a new episode of one of the shows I follow.

So then when I didn’t get a notification for a day or so I was wondering and I checked it out. Just to realize that all my shows have been unfollowed. Annoying – to say the least.

So, I had a decision point. Should I just move back to Spotify or find a different app? There are certainly many and my podcast is on many of those

Read next: How to create podcast channels on Apple podcasts

Staying put … for now

For now, I decided to stay with Apple, but only because I could still see some of my recently listened to podcasts and simply followed them once again.

I just clicked on shows and then looked through the shows and followed the ones I wanted to follow. They were some that hadn’t been updated in a while, and I just didn’t re-follow them.

The biggest problem with that is I have to turn off all the automatic downloads. I don’t need five episodes downloaded of all the shows I follow. I’m on Wi-Fi most of the time anyways and even when I’m not 5G UW works well.

But for now I’m staying with Apple podcast, but if this problem persists, I may have to switch back to Spotify or one of the gazillion other podcast listening apps.

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