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First-person is such an effective way to connect with your audience, but yet, not that many companies deploy that strategy everywhere they can, which is in blog posts, guest posting, articles, news releases, social media posts, and more. But do it well, it’s important to understand what is writing in first person?
As a content creator, I always look for ways to make my writing more engaging and relatable. And I’ve found that writing in the first person is one of the best ways to do just that. So, let’s unpack the details.
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So, what exactly is first-person writing?
In a nutshell, it’s when you share your personal experiences and perspectives using pronouns like “I,” “me,” and “my.” When I write in the first person, I’m not just reciting facts or information. I’m inviting you, the reader, into my world. I’m sharing my thoughts, solutions, and stories in an authentic and heartfelt way. And hopefully helpful to the audience.
But where is that line to it just being a fancy way of talking about yourself? While first-person writing involves sharing your experiences, it’s not just a personal diary or a self-centered blog post. The key is to use a personal perspective to connect with the audience and provide value to them.
For example, let’s say I’m writing a blog post about a problem I faced in my business. I could just list out the steps I took to solve that problem, but that would be pretty dry and boring. I could probably even get something from AI for that. Instead, I might start by sharing the frustration and overwhelm I felt when I first encountered the problem. I’d describe how I struggled to find a solution and the different approaches I tried. And then, I’d share the lightbulb moment when I finally figured it out, and how that solution has helped me and my business since then.
By writing in the first person, I’m not just providing information. I’m creating a connection with my reader. I’m showing them that I’ve been where they are, and I understand what they’re going through. And I’m offering them hope and guidance based on my own experiences.
When the solution authentically is your business’ product or service, you grow revenue!
First-person writing for business
Of course, first-person writing isn’t just for individuals. Companies can use it too, by sharing their own stories and experiences. Instead of just touting their products or services, they can talk about the challenges they’ve faced as a company, the lessons they’ve learned, and the values that guide them. By using “we” instead of “I,” they they can make it personal while keeping the audience at the forefront.
But whether you’re writing as an individual or a company, the key to effective first-person writing is to always keep your audience in mind. Your goal isn’t just to share your own experiences, but to use those experiences to provide value and insight to your reader. It’s a delicate balance, but when you get it right, first-person writing can be an incredibly powerful tool for building trust, creating connection, and ultimately, driving results for your business.
So the next time you sit down to write, I – ha! – encourage you to try first-person writing. Share your own experiences and perspectives, but always keep your audience at the forefront.