What do I need for equipment for podcast on Mac?

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When it comes to the equipment for podcast on Mac, I can show you exactly what I currently use. From lighting to mics to background items, the equipment for podcast on Mac is similar to any computer.

But keep in mind that Macs don’t have the traditional USB inputs, and many of the equipment has those. Here’s how I get around it.

Splitters and hardware hookup

First of all, I use a docking station. Then I use this splitter.

splitter for Mac

I use another one for a secondary camera and other miscellaneous things as well.


Plugged into the splitters are several items. That includes my eye-level webcam.

When it comes to lighting, I use several lights. Two are directly on the monitor in front of me.

lights on monitor

Then I use two Ring lights on the sides of my curved monitor.

ring lights

For my microphone, I use a Yeti.yeti microphone

Sound panels around me are a piece of equipment for podcast on Mac that improves the sound.

sound panels standup

When it comes to my background, you can view and shop it on one of my recorded podcast episodes.

podcast equipment for Mac

So when it comes to equipment for podcast on Mac, the things you need are virtually the same as for a Windows machine. But the USB limitations can be an issue, but they can be easily overcome with the right equipment.

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