What are the ethical considerations for generative AI use in business

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What are the ethical considerations for generative AI use in business? There certainly are plenty, but let’s take them one step at a time.

Kate Bradley Chernis, CEO of Lately AI, says on Episode 666 of  “The Business Storytelling Show” one of the biggest challenges with AI is that people don’t really understand what it is and what it can do. Hollywood has given us the wrong idea about AI, making us afraid of it.

This fear comes from how AI is shown in movies and TV. In these stories, AI is often a conscious, human-like entity that can think and act on its own. But the AI we have today is mostly automation and machine learning, not a magic solution.


Linked Live this way.

The importance of collaboration

When it comes to what are the ethical considerations for generative AI use in business, we need to approach it as a collaboration between humans and machines. Kate explains that collaborative AI is when humans are part of the process, training the AI and guiding it along the way.

This collaboration is important for both ethics and performance. A Harvard Business Review study found that the ROI of AI alone versus humans collaborating with AI was much higher. Humans collaborating with AI beat it two to seven times every time.

This is because AI is still new and needs human oversight to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. Kate compares AI to a three-month-old baby, which is completely reliant on other humans to survive and thrive.

Read next: Why a Good Corporate AI Policy is Necessary

Developing analytical skills

To collaborate with AI effectively, humans need strong analytical skills. They need to be able to analyze the results that AI generates and not just accept them at face value.

Unfortunately, many people lack this skill set. Kate points out that the ability to analyze AI results and course-correct them is the number one skill set that humans currently lack. This is because we’ve been taught to bring solutions to people, not to identify problems.

As AI becomes more common in business, developing analytical skills will be increasingly important.

Read next: The Pros and Cons of Human vs. AI Writing

Transparency and disclosure

Transparency and disclosure are also important ethical considerations when using AI in business. When using AI-generated content, it’s important to be transparent about it and disclose when it’s being used.

However, the level of disclosure needed may depend on the specific situation. Some people create content from scratch without any source material. But others, like Kate and myself, use source content when working with AI. In these cases, disclosure may not be as critical.

When AI is used to generate original content without human input or oversight, disclosure is important. But when AI assists with tasks like video editing or data analysis, less disclosure may be needed.

The importance of human judgment

In the end, using AI ethics in business comes down to human judgment. Kate says that you can easily tell when something is written by AI, but some can’t. This is a reflection of how poor we are at communicating.

Many people rely too heavily on AI-generated content without properly reviewing or editing it. They also need to re-prompt the AI and keep telling it to make updates.

To use AI ethically and effectively, humans need to exercise judgment and critically evaluate the outputs that AI generates. They need a strong understanding of the subject matter and the ability to identify when AI is generating inaccurate, biased, or problematic content.

Establishing guidelines and best practices

As more businesses start using AI, it’s important to establish guidelines and best practices for its ethical use. This may include developing policies around transparency and disclosure. It may also involve providing training and resources to help employees develop the analytical skills needed to collaborate with AI effectively.

It’s also important to approach AI as a tool rather than a magic solution. Kate points out that saving time is great, but making money is better. We should all be asking more of AI than just saving time.

Businesses should approach AI as a tool to be used in collaboration with human judgment and expertise.

The role of AI in content creation

The ethical use of AI is particularly important in content creation. With the rise of generative AI tools, it’s become easier than ever to generate text on a wide range of topics.

You can often tell when something is written by AI. For example, I recently read a book that used the word “delve” repeatedly. While this might be a common word in British English, I had never seen it used so frequently until AI came around. An overabundance of bulleted lists is another sign of AI. So is  writing that backs into sentences

To use AI ethically in content creation, it should be a collaborative process between humans and machines. AI can generate ideas and rough drafts, but human writers and editors should then work on the content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and originality.

It’s also important to be transparent about using AI in content creation. While it may not be necessary to disclose the use of AI in every case, it’s important to be upfront when AI-generated content is being used, particularly when it may be mistaken for human-written content.

Using AI to create video clips from podcast

The future of AI in business

As AI continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, its use in business will only become more widespread. However, it’s important to approach this growth with caution and prioritize the ethical considerations surrounding its use.

One key area of focus will be developing the skills and knowledge needed to collaborate with AI effectively. This means investing in training and education programs to help employees develop analytical skills. It also means providing resources and support to help them understand the capabilities and limitations of AI.

Ultimately, the future of AI in business will depend on our ability to approach it with a collaborative and ethical mindset.


So when it comes what are the ethical considerations for generative AI use in business, there are many factors to consider. From transparency and disclosure to the importance of human judgment and collaboration.

By focusing on the human element of AI and prioritizing effective communication and collaboration, businesses can ensure they are using this powerful technology in an ethical and effective way.

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