Video: How long should I spend on writing subject lines?

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In this short video, I discuss my thoughts on writing subject lines and how long it should take to write them.

I discuss:

  • Subject lines are crucial for emails, and writing email subject lines deserves significant time and attention. Even the best email content won’t be read if the subject line is poor.
  • Preheader text is also important and should be crafted thoughtfully.
  • There are various tools available to help generate and grade subject lines, but human creativity is still valuable.
  • Open rates have become less reliable due to privacy policies and email programs that automatically open emails. However, metrics like clicks and responses still depend on the human recipient actually seeing and engaging with the email.
  • When crafting an email, allocate time wisely between the body content and the subject line. The element with the biggest potential impact should get the most attention, which is often the subject line.
  • Experiment with subject lines to see what works best. The sender name is an important factor.

In summary, writing email subject lines and preheader text are critical components of effective emails that are worth investing time and creativity into optimizing. Metrics beyond open rates are important to track actual human engagement.

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email marketing rules

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