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One way to maximize our message and drive conversions and sales is to use the concept of the halo effect. There’s a personal aspect worth considering and a partnership aspect, which I discuss in this article.
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What is the halo effect?
How to improve your halo effect?
Start building your halo effect
What is the halo effect?
The book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” defines the halo effect by stating that people have one significantly positive characteristic that makes them likable. Attractiveness, being groomed well, or a significant personal appearance are examples.
In other words, that characteristic creates a halo that allows that person to sell more, be hired quicker, and make more money. According to the book, most people will deny that this is a thing, but studies have proven that the halo effect exists and influences decisions.
How to improve your halo effect?
To an extent, we have to work with what we have. But certainly, good grooming and looking the best possible way is something anyone can do. So, to improve your halo effect on video podcasts, virtual interviews, or remote meetings, consider using these tips to tilt the odds in your favor.
On virtual calls, consider using a good ring light for proper lighting; if you wear glasses, make sure it’s not reflecting, and I use these makeup tips for men for some touchups. To make things more polished, I also use a physical backdrop and ensure my microphone delivers a good audio experience for the other person.
So there are things we can do as we are building our brand publicly.
Think of networking
Another way is to partner with others who already have mastered their halo effect. Marketing expert Erin Blaskie shared that concept with me on an episode of “The Business Storytelling Show.”
Basically, this comes down to networking with the right people – the people who already have standing in your industry. Because they already have that halo, and people respect them, it’s a game of association. For example, I list all the fantastic guests I’ve had on my podcasts over the years publicly. From time to time, new guests will mention seeing that and how it’s been the “who is who of marketing strategy.”
In essence, those guests having agreed to spend time with me on a livestream and podcast adds credibility – i.e., the halo effect.
Other ways to do that are by quoting experts in your articles or finding ways to work with them. For example, Brian Piper shared on the K-Stream Podcast that he’s working with Joe Pulizzi, the founder of the Content Marketing Institute, on updating one of his earlier books. Joe wanting to work with Brian on this project certainly adds credibility to Brian.
Read next: Roundup posts: How to use expert quotes in your content strategy
Starting to build your halo effect
Start with the things you can control: Present yourself in a way that helps you connect with people. That doesn’t mean it needs to be a show, and it should be authentic. Share value through your content and interactions online. Be interested in what people have to say.
From there, partner with the right people. And remember that the right people aren’t always the internet-famous gurus. But partner with people who are already in your industry. An easy way is to invite them on your podcast or ask them a question to get a quote in an article you are writing for your website.