Try this: How to post a blog on Instagram (4 ways – 3 of them good!)

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I’m always a fan of repurposing content – everywhere. That includes social media – sometimes with a link and sometimes without one. Of course, some networks – like Instagram don’t allow links anyway. So the question arises how to post a blog on Instagram nowadays? What makes sense and what actually works?

The traditional way

Often people will post some random photo – maybe a stock photo even – and then have some info in the caption. But the real call to action is to click a link – either in the caption (not hyperlinked) or by telling people to click the link in the profile.

A tool like Pallyy can help you set that up simply – if this is the way you want to go.

instagram links

Maybe a better way – at least worth trying

But here is another idea on how to post a blog on Instagram. Just post it for people to read. No unclickable or clickable links, hoops to jump through, just the blog post. Here it is.

Here’s how I did that with one of mine in Stories and also as a regular post. I simply screenshot the continuous article and uploaded it for people to read on Instagram.

Read next: Adding links in IG Stories 

In Stories

Here’s how it looked in my IG Story.

Blog post in an IG Story

It’s clearly readable, though people may have to pause the auto-advancing IG story from moving forward. It’s also possible to add a link from here that is clickable. 

In a post

In a post, it looks like this…

Blog post in an IG Post

It’s still readable and works.

Read next: Posting text on IG without a photo

And why not?

Certainly, there might be reasons why you want to create IG links with Pallyy. But if the goal is to reach as many people as possible and get the content in front of them, just posting screen shots certainly is an option worth trying. You could even turn them into a Reel. Maybe that will work.

The content could certainly be more designed as well – using the blog article as source material – but in an effort to not overengineer everything, a screenshot can get the job done.

Try this mobile printer for your IG photos

print your IG photos for this mobile printer

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