The best camera to live stream youth sports

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Youth sports are live-streamed all the time now. Softball, basketball, Friday nights are full of football streams! Thanks to all the parents and volunteers who make the time to set up their sport streaming camera and use their data plans to go live. That leads us to the question: What is the best camera to live stream youth sports?

Let’s dive into that discussion…

Consider your sport

For softball livestreams, an iPhone may very well be the best sport streaming camera. Sometimes I stream with my iPad Pro even. The iPad works when you can’t put a device on the fence because it’s one of those newer, soft fences. Just put it on a tripod behind the netting. Those devices’ cameras are getting better and better to begin with. Plus, they are stationary and relatively close to the action so it all works. The action is always in front of the cameras. I’ve tried to put a camera in the outfield before but the connection usually doesn’t hold.

For basketball games, there are two options. Consider whether the cameras will be stationary or follow the action. If you follow the action, consider finding a spot halfway or more up the bleachers and use a stand that allows you to move easily back and forth as the action goes up and down the court. Again placing an iPad or iPhone on that stand is usually just fine. Yes, the camera already in your pocket (i.e. the phone) or your hand (the iPad) is the best camera to live stream youth sports.

stand to livestream basketball for your sport streaming camera

Alternatively, you can pick a wide angle – maybe use a wide-angle lens – and show the whole court.

You can also simply sit at one end of the court and stream from that angle. Using a platform like Switcher Studio, you can also tie two cameras together. Put one on each end and switch back and forth depending on where the action is.

Football and soccer can be handled similarly.

External camera options to live stream youth sports

If you want to go beyond using your iPhone or iPad, there are plenty of other options available as well. Here are two:

You can also consider this wireless emeet live streaming cam if you want to buy an external cam.

Wireless live streaming camera

The Mevo  is recommended by GameChanger and is used by many that live stream youth sports.

Mevo cam for youth sports

In summary

In summary, the camera in your pocket is the best camera to live stream youth sports. But you can certainly also invest more money and resources into buying additional equipment to see what can help you level up your live streams.

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