Trappe Digital LLC may earn commissions from sponsored links and content. When you click and buy you also support us.
I do accept sponsored links that are placed within content as long as the links are to content relevant to the audience of that specific blog post.
Each link placement costs US$150, and the link will stay in the article as long as the article is up.
Please pay using this link: During checkout please specify in the note which article you want to place the link into. Copying and pasting the post URL is preferred.
If, for some reason, I choose not to place your link, you will receive a full refund. Once the link has been placed, the fee is nonrefundable.
Link placement does not prohibit other links – including your competitors – from being in the same article.
Examples of sponsored links:
The key to our successful partnership here is that your sponsored link makes sense to be in the article that it’s in.