Podcasting in Business: Cutting Through the Noise to Connect with Audiences

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When traditional advertising feels like shouting into a void and press releases go unnoticed, podcasting in business might be the next viable avenue for you – especially if you have a good story to share.

Since it’s harder than ever to connect with audiences, let’s enter podcasting.

Ross Romano, co-founder of the Be Podcast Network, on “The Business Storytelling Show,” clearly describes the challenge.

“If you’re in any kind of a niche market with your company, there’s a dwindling of opportunities to get your story out through third party media. There’s not as many outlets. There’s not as many staff working at those outlets.”

But where traditional doors are closing, new windows are opening. Podcasting has emerged as one of those windows.

What are branded podcasts?

Branded podcasts are audio series created and owned by companies to benefit their brand – of course by offering content valuable to their audiences.. As traditional media shrinks and new platforms emerge, businesses of all sizes are turning to podcasting to spread their message.

Podcasts are popular because of their flexibility and accessibility. Companies can create engaging content that people can listen to anytime. Listeners can tune in while commuting, exercising, or going about their day. This makes podcasts an effective medium for connecting with target audiences in a personal way.

Some companies get creative with their podcast format. Alison Osborne, VP of Marketing at  Quill and CoHost,  on “The Business Storytelling Show” shared an example of a toothbrush brand that created a podcast designed to be the same length as the recommended time for brushing teeth. This shows how businesses can tailor their podcasts to fit their specific products or services.

How podcasting helps businesses

There’s several ways, Let’s walk through them.

Building brand awareness

Podcasting gives businesses a chance to showcase their expertise, share their values, and connect with their audience. By creating valuable content regularly, companies can improve brand perception and become trusted voices in their industry.

Becoming thought leaders

Through podcasts, businesses can position their key people as experts. By discussing industry trends, sharing insights, and offering expert opinions, companies can demonstrate their knowledge to a wider audience.

Creating networking opportunities

Hosting a podcast is an effective way to connect with important people, including industry leaders, potential clients, and other influential figures.

“You can get people to join your podcast who might not have said yes if you’d asked for a meeting,” said Ross Romano.

This approach can help form warm connections before making a direct sales pitch.

Boosting sales

While it can be challenging to directly link sales to podcast episodes, consistent podcasting can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line over time. Podcasts help move potential customers through the sales process by providing multiple points of contact.

Some businesses have seen significant results from their podcasts.

Read next: Do this to find the right guests

Starting a business podcast

Launching a podcast requires clear goals and a defined target audience. Considerations include lead generation, demonstrating expertise, or providing valuable content to existing customers. These goals guide content strategy and help measure success.

Podcast content should align with business goals and appeal to the target audience. A mix of topics that showcase expertise, address customer problems, and provide industry insights is often effective.

Various podcast formats are available, including solo shows, interviews, panel discussions, or storytelling series. The choice depends on available resources, goals, and what best serves the audience.

While top-notch production quality isn’t always necessary, a podcast should sound professional. Investing in good microphones and recording software helps produce clear audio. As overall podcast quality improves, listener expectations for sound quality also rise.

Creating content for business podcasts

One of the main challenges in business podcasting is balancing promotion with providing real value.

“Each episode should have actionable advice and insights listeners can use,” said Alison Osborne. “Even if it’s their only contact with us, they should get something worthwhile from it.”

Sharing client success stories can effectively demonstrate a company’s value. However, it’s important not to overdo it. Mixing these stories with other types of content keeps the podcast engaging and varied.

Inviting guests brings diverse perspectives and expands the network and potential audience. It’s an opportunity to create valuable content while building relationships with influential people in the industry.

Measuring podcast success

Some of the standard metrics certainly apply, but also remember the connections made and relevant discussions had.

Making podcasts part of a marketing strategy

A podcast should support and strengthen other marketing efforts. It can explore topics from blog posts in more depth, expand on ideas shared on social media, or add context to case studies.

Podcasts can be valuable tools for sales teams. Episodes featuring client success stories or addressing common customer problems can be shared with potential clients at different stages of the sales process.

Ross emphasizes the importance of internal communication.

“Communicate with your sales team. All too often, companies will invest resources in developing a podcast, but the sales team doesn’t know this is happening,” he said.  “They’re the people who really need to know it.”

Ensuring the sales team knows about the podcast and how to use it effectively is crucial.

Collaborating with other podcasters in the industry or related fields can help reach new audiences and build valuable relationships.

Challenges in business podcasting

Producing high-quality episodes consistently can be challenging, especially for businesses new to content creation. Setting a realistic production schedule and sticking to it is important.

While scripting ensures coverage of all necessary points, it can lead to stiff, boring content.

“When we’re having a conversation, it shouldn’t be scripted,” said Ross. “You want to be in the moment, open, and talking to one another. The conversation can go in many directions.”

In corporate settings, getting content approved can be challenging. Clear guidelines and approval processes should allow for authentic conversations while protecting the brand’s reputation.

Best practices for business podcasting

Key practices include focusing on providing value to listeners, maintaining a consistent publishing schedule, promoting across all marketing channels, engaging with the audience through social media and websites, seeking feedback, and adapting content accordingly. Investing in good quality equipment and production processes is also important.

Get your podcast website here. 

Building an audience takes time.

“Branded podcast is not a sprint, it’s a marathon,” said Ross.

Expecting immediate results from a newly launched podcast is unrealistic. Success requires time, quality content, resources, and consistency.

The future of business podcasting

As podcasting continues to evolve, businesses that start early will gain an advantage. New technology is making podcast production easier, and better analytics allow for more accurate measurement of results. Podcasting is set to become an increasingly important tool for business communication.

Podcasting offers businesses a unique and powerful way to grow. While it requires time and resources to create a successful podcast, the potential benefits make it worth considering for businesses of all sizes. These benefits include increased brand awareness, better customer engagement, and even increased sales.

Starting a podcast isn’t an overnight success story. It requires consistent effort, flexibility, and a commitment to providing value to listeners. With time and persistence, a well-run podcast is a key part of a marketing strategy, helping build stronger relationships with the audience and moving the business forward in the digital world.

As the podcasting landscape continues to evolve, businesses that embrace this medium early stand to gain a significant advantage. Whether for a small startup or a large corporation, considering how a podcast could fit into a marketing strategy might be the key to taking business communication to the next level.

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