Podcast networks: Where should I distribute my podcast?

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There certainly are plenty of podcast networks out there and that begs the question when you are launching your podcast where should I distribute my podcast? So let’s take a look at the current main podcast networks.

Must-be-on podcast networks

Amazon Music

I think this is one place you really want to be. People use Amazon and Amazon Music for everything nowadays and it also allows reviews so net-net it’s a place to be. Submit to your podcast RSS here.

Read next: Where can podcast listeners leave podcast reviews?


The main-stay long-term player in podcasting. It is necessary to put your podcast here. To submit you have to go to Apple Podcasts Connect and either publish on their platform or add an RSS feed.


I love the usability of Spotify to listen to music and podcasts easily fit into that mix. This is a definite one you want to be on. If you distribute through Spotify for Podcasters, the approval is virtually automatic.

Being the front-runner in video podcasts is also a major plus.

Read next: How to publish a podcast with video on Spotify

iHeart Radio

I just like the name and to be able to say you are on iHeart Radio. Maybe I’m right or wrong but it has a certain level of cachet. The approval is almost instantaneous.

Listen Notes

Listen Notes is a podcast search engine, and I use it constantly to find old content and other people’s podcast episodes on specific topics. You can submit through your RSS feed.

YouTube Music

This one is on the way up and currently to get on it you have to upload your podcast videos as a YouTube playlist. I expect that to change in the future as Google prioritizes this podcast network.

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Castbox is easy to set up with an RSS feed but I haven’t seen much listenership on the platform. Nonetheless, if you have the time might as well add your show there.

On-the-way out

Google Podcasts

This platform was one of my main listening options for a while a couple of years ago but it’s been deprioritized by Google and doesn’t even show up in search. It looks like Google will be focusing on YouTube Music podcasts so at this point don’t even bother.


When I first was approved for Pandora. I was one of 800,000 podcasts on there. It was kind of cool and it was a bit of validation even. But podcasts on Pandora are just kind of hidden and I’m not sure that anybody actually listens to shows there.

Of course podcast networks evolve and more are likely popping up that are worth considering. I’ll try to update this article as I see them, and I also would encourage you to consider live-streaming your podcast for additional reach.

Also, keep in mind there are some podcast networks – like Good Pods – that simply grab whatever is on Apple Podcasts and distribute your show that way.

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