A look at what equipment you need for a Facebook Live broadcast.
How to self edit your writing
This article looks at my top tips to self edit your copy.
How to use the branded content label on Instagram
This article looks at how branded content works on Instagram. How do you use the paid partnership tool and more.
Roundup posts: How to use expert quotes in your content strategy
This article discusses how to best use expert quotes in your contact strategy. One tactic is to do roundup posts, which I’m not a big fan off but I am a fan of using expert opinions.
Should you timestamp your podcast show notes?
A look at the advantages and disadvantages of adding a timestamp to your podcast show notes.
Who is your audience? Is it internal or external?
This article discusses the dangers of focusing on an internal audience only. Yes, we need to collaborate internally but are the internal audiences the same as the external audiences we are trying to reach?
How to alert employees of new LinkedIn posts
LinkedIn has rolled out a new tool that could help with corporate social media marketing amplification. Brand pages can now send updates to employees!
How to set up a professional Twitter account – a.k.a a Twitter business account
Twitter has rolled out professional Twitter accounts and this article shares with you how to set that up if you have that feature available. You can also think of those as business accounts on Twitter.
Using better stock images for blogs
A look at how to use better stock images for blogs. There are a number of options to consider and I discuss them here.
Use these storytelling skills to tell better stories for your company
This article shares storytelling skills that you can use to tell better stories for your company. Be relevant to your customers.
How to watch YouTube on TV screens
This article shows you how to easily watch YouTube on TV for a bigger-screen viewing experience. I do that daily.
Are LinkedIn and Facebook groups for business worth the effort?
A look at the value of Facebook groups for business. How to use them to listen to your audience, things to consider when starting one and more.
How does AirPlay work on a Samsung TV?
Airplay is such a fantastic way to stream content on TVs that isn’t being broadcast on TV. Let me show you how to use airplay on a Samsung TV.