CONTROVERSY: Why the average Colin Kaepernick Nike ad is actually highly effective

Let’s start at the beginning: Colin Kaepernick is the football player who started kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness of racial injustice which created a controversy a few years ago and continues to do around the NFL today and from the White House. […]

Facebook kills post scheduling without warning – Another reason you must move faster!

I’ve been auto scheduling posts to my Facebook profile via Hootsuite for a few weeks. It seemed to help with my communications and business goals. Positives: That spread posts out some. It kept my updates moving along. Then on Aug. 1, 2018, Facebook killed all […]

If you are telling other people what to post or not to post on social media: Knock it off!!!

I was spending a good amount of time this weekend looking for deals for our 2019 family vacation. I have about 50,000 miles coming on American Airlines and I’m determined to use them in the most efficient way! I recently used 70,000 Delta miles to […]

Why is deleting my Facebook account so much work? How to DELETE Facebook!

After the outcry over privacy concerns for users of Facebook in early 2018 people started deleting their Facebook accounts and apps. Or at least they said they were. Some companies also said they would delete their Facebook pages, and other users started tweeting #DeleteFacebook, which […]