This article and podcast discuss the topic of co-creation in marketing, which can include co-creation with customers and others.
A balancing act: Viral marketing advantages and disadvantages
This article looks at viral marketing advantages and disadvantages and how to weigh them as you are working on organic strategies.
The power of values: How to build a company culture
This article looks at how to build a company culture that works for content teams and that helps to get content to perform.
Round and round we go: Why Full-Circle Marketing is Key
This article discusses the strategy of full-circle marketing, what it is, and why marketing teams should consider it.
Keep things fresh: Use this website content update process
This article shares my tips on how to update content on your website to drive content performance on an ongoing basis.
Why branded search matters in your content strategy
A look at what brands should consider when it comes to branded search SEO strategies.
Get Most Bang for Your Buck: Useful Marketing Budget Breakdown
This article gives an example of a marketing budget breakdown. What’s needed, how much does it cost and what should the budget look like.
Boost Your Brand’s Credibility with a Stellar Media Mentions Page
A media page or media mentions page can help you boost credibility. Hey, look, we were quoted here. Plus, it keeps everything in one place.
For businesses: How to tell a story example
In this keynote video, I discuss the steps companies should follow to tell better stories, which in turn can then help them drive results.
Discover the Power of Text-to-Speech on Your Website!
This article discusses how and why to use text-to-speech on your website including in blog posts and articles.
Living your best life: My top 10 self-care tips
This article shares my top 10 self-care tips that marketers and content strategists can use to stay grounded and find some balance.
What’s the biggest time waster for marketers who try to drive results?
A look at what are time wasters in marketing and content and what aren’t.
What is meant by leads and is that the best term for potential customers?
This article discusses what is meant by leads and whether or not calling a potential customer a lead is the right term.