LinkedIn AI tools you didn’t know you needed

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LinkedIn AI tools are certainly an emerging category. LinkedIn has native AI features as well – like drafting of copy – and there are plenty of external providers. What are the main categories where LinkedIn AI tools can be used? In part, my diving into this topic was inspired by Neal Schaffer’s book “Maximizing LinkedIn for Business Growth.” Let’s take a look:

LinkedIn commenting

AI tools like Engage AI help identify posts to comment on and then write first drafts of your comment. Here’s how that works:

Headline optimizer

LinkedIn headlines are super important. This is the text at the top of your profile. Here’s my example:

Using the Easy Peasy AI generator, I can get more options and even if I don’t have an initial draft can get one with just a bit of source content. Here’s what that looked like for me:

LinkedIn headline AI tool input example

The output was:

Option 1:

“Empowering Brands through Data-Driven Storytelling | Market Research & Consumer Insights Expert | Podcaster | Content Strategist | Author | Thought Partner”

Option 2:

“Empowering Brands Through Market Research & Consumer Insights | Data-Driven Content Marketer | Podcaster | Author | Thought Partner | Storytelling Strategist”

Not a bad first draft at all.

Read next: What can I use as a podcast show notes generator?

LinkedIn AI headshots

LinkedIn AI headshots is an area of software tools that take existing photos of you and then turn them into more professional LinkedIn profile photos. Secta Labs offers this example of an improvement:

LinkedIn AI tools headshots


Yes, you can certainly create some LinkedIn posts from scratch with AI, but this is a dangerous endeavor without your own source content. All the other areas discussed here have some kind of personalized source content – i.e., your photos, your professional history, etc.

AI LI posts

For this one, be sure to have source content, maybe write a draft, and then have AI help you refine. But you can’t be a thought leader if your thoughts (leading or not) aren’t even yours.

Read next: How many drafts are needed to drive content performance?

Summary writer

Tools like Writecream help with LinkedIn summaries. The LinkedIn summary would be the About section on your profile.

Linkedin summary writer

I literally just copied my current About copy into the tool to see what it would do.

AI tool for Linkedin summaries

Here’s one initial output:

As a seasoned marketing professional, I specialize in transforming content and campaigns from mere happenings into high-performing strategies. With a passion for storytelling, I help businesses effectively engage prospects and retain existing customers through unique narratives that resonate. My diverse experience spans various industries, including healthcare, SaaS, information technology, nonprofits, and publishing. Throughout my career, I have successfully led integrated campaigns and managed teams of journalists, content creators, strategists, and designers to drive tangible results. Whether working with startups or established companies, I excel in digital strategy and implementation, encompassing social media, SEO, UX collaborations, content strategies, and production. Recognized as a global top 14 content marketer, top 40 B2B marketer, top 100 CX thought leader, and top 24 digital marketer, I strive to share insights and best practices through my blog (, which is regarded as a valuable resource in the marketing industry. Additionally, I’m proud to be in the top 2.5 percent of global podcasters. I am also the author of a three-book marketing strategies series, featuring titles such as “Content Performance Culture,” “Is Marketing a Good Career?” and “Going Live.” Let’s connect and explore how we can elevate your marketing efforts to achieve remarkable results!

It’s a little too much “me, me, me,” but it is definitely a start – especially if you don’t have one yet. But the formatting, ugh. And then I copied and pasted it into the Writing for Busy Readers AI tool and got this:


I transform content into high-performing strategies. I engage prospects and retain customers with unique storytelling.

  • Industries: Healthcare, SaaS, IT, nonprofits, publishing, market research
  • Skills: Digital strategy, social media, SEO, UX, content production

I’ve led teams of content creators and strategists for real results. Recognized as a top content marketer and podcaster.

Author of three books on marketing strategies.

Let’s connect to elevate your marketing efforts!

Check out my blog for insights:

Just the side-by-side is eye-opening how optimizing text for the busy reader can be a game changer.

AI for the busy reader

Video snippets

Video works well on LinkedIn, so if you have a lot of long-form videos, podcasts, or even a video blog, consider using shorter snippets on LinkedIn. I use Opus Pro’s AI to create those clips for me in no time.

editing in opus clips

Of course, you can also use Claude AI and simply prompt it to do some of these things (aside from video editing). Or you could grab some of these initial outputs and send them to Claude for updates. But – if nothing else – it’s good to know there are options for LinkedIn AI tools too.

Read next:

maximize linkedin for business growth


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