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Over the years, Instagram has streamlined how to post a post, a Reel and a Story. So when people think the Instagram Reel button has disappeared, it actually was just integrated with other post types. And that’s how to post to Instagram.
When you are wondering how to post to Instagram, start by going to the bottom nav bar, click plus.
On the next screen scroll sideways to pick, Reel, Story, Post or Live.
From there, you can start a post, Reel, Story, and even go live. Keep in mind that Reels are traditionally video but you can also create one with photos.
This setup is exactly the same on the iPad and iPhone app.
Read next: How to use Instagram calls to action
How to post to Instagram from a web browser
It’s very similar, but you cannot post Stories. To create a post or Reel, click on the plus button on the left.
On the next screen, upload video or picture(s). Videos will be turned into Reels and distributed that way.
And that’s all there’s to it. Of course, we still need content worth posting, but when it comes to the technical aspects, these are the steps to take in the apps and on desktop.
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