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Wondering how to use two webcams at the same time is a question that can come up if, during a live stream, you want to:
- show a secondary angle
- demonstrate something on the desk in front of you
How to accomplish using two cams does depend on what program you use – but in general, simply look for a way to add a secondary source or an extra source or some similar wording to that. For my livestreams, I use Restream as my production software, and here’s how to use two webcams at the same time with that tool.
I’m using the two cameras I have set up in my office/studio for demonstration purposes. I have one camera lower and one higher, so I can easily move up and down with my standing desk without constantly having to move the camera.
Navigate to the studio.
Once in the Restream live or recording studio, click on the plus sign underneath the screen, which will get you to this screen.
You can add videos, background music a presentation and an extra camera.
Once added, you can bring it into the stream.
So using two cameras can be useful in certain circumstances and this is the process that you can use to get that accomplished.