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Setting up an Amazon storefront for influencers allows you to earn commissions by linking to products you recommend. But you can further customize your storefront to showcase your brand and content effectively. On this episode and in this article, I will walk through how to apply for the Amazon Influencer Program and then optimize your storefront by adding idea lists, photos, videos, and live streams.
I signed up for the program years ago and was wondering about the value early on, but today, I’m glad I did, and the addition of it to my revenue streams has been undeniable.
How do I get an Amazon storefront?
The first step is getting approved for the Amazon Influencer Program, which gives you access to create an influencer storefront. You can apply online and follow the process.
Go to Amazon’s Influencer Program signup page and provide the following:
- Amazon Associate account details or create a new affiliate account
- Respond to application questions about your brand, audience size, and content
- Agree to the Amazon Associates Operating Agreement
- Submit any other requested info like a tax form
Amazon will review your application and contact you if approved for the program.
Setting Up Your Influencer Storefront
Once accepted, take these steps to setup and customize your Amazon influencer storefront:
In Amazon Associates, under Advertising:
- Click “Create an Amazon Influencer Store”
- Enter your preferred custom store name, like “”
- Click “Create Store” to claim this unique URL
Design and Brand Your Storefront
Access your new URL and click “Edit Store” to customize:
- Upload your profile photo or logo
- Add an “About” section to share your brand story
- Pick color themes and fonts that fit your brand
- Organize store sections in your preferred order
How to add products to Amazon influencer storefront
There are several ways to add to your Amazon storefront for influencers.
Curate and Add Product Collections
Under the “Content” tab, you can add products:
- Use search to easily find relevant products to recommend
- Add descriptions explaining why you recommend each product
- Organize products into collections or sections by topic or type
- Click “Publish” when a collection is ready to go live on your storefront
Include Photos and Idea Lists
Other customization options include:
Photos: Showcase pictures of products you use or your creative space.
Idea Lists: Curate lists of products that relate to a theme, like top microphones for podcasting.
Add Videos Featuring Products
You can also upload videos that showcase specific products:
- Select the “Videos” upload area
- Upload a video and tag the products mentioned
The video may then appear on the actual product page on Amazon.
Integrate Live Streaming
Add live video to your storefront through Amazon’s live-streaming platform.
In Restream, you can add products from your storefront to your streaming shopping carts
Easily showcase and discuss products from your storefront during live broadcasts
Maximizing Your Amazon Influencer Storefront
Follow these tips to get the most out of your storefront:
Showcase Your Expertise
Focus your storefront on featuring products relevant to your niche and areas of expertise. You’ll provide more value to followers.
Update Content Frequently
Add new products, collections, photos, and videos regularly so followers have a reason to return and browse your latest recommendations.
Share links
Share links to your products on other channels and your website to drive additional revenue.
Analyze Performance
Pay attention to sales data to see which products perform best and adjust recommendations accordingly.
Setting up a customized Amazon Influencer Storefront provides a centralized hub to showcase your brand and recommendations while opening up an additional revenue stream. By investing time to regularly add fresh content – from product lists to videos – you can provide a resource of value for your audience.