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At times content creators might want to quote a podcast produced by somebody else in their own content, and that could include wanting to cite a podcast in text. But what do we need to consider before quoting somebody else’s podcast content? That’s what I’ll discuss in this article, including:
- The use cases of quoting podcasts
- Is it okay to quote another podcast?
- Template to ask for permission
- How to attribute content
The use cases of quoting podcasts
There are two main types of quoting podcasts:
- Quoting your podcast in other content types that you produce
- Referencing other people’s podcasts in your content
Quoting podcasts can be done in a variety of mediums now, too. That could include a written quote in an article, a mention by the host or guests on a podcast recording, or even a video interview.
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How to cite a podcast in text
I quote my episodes regularly and even write entire articles based on my discussions with my guests. When guests book a time, I also let them know about this, so they can choose not to be a guest if they don’t want an article on the content.
If you quote the show, include the show’s full name, the speaker, and relevant links. So something like this:
<quote>, said <speaker> on <name of podcast>.
Then link all the items in red to relevant other sites.
Sometimes I even quote myself, though I would not say, “Christoph Trappe on The Business Storytelling Show said…” I’m the article’s author, so I will just add the content.
Quoting other podcasts
When we cite a podcast that belongs to somebody is, it gets a little more complicated. Same scenario, but the source material isn’t ours and comes from another podcast. So we need to decide if that content is fair to use or if we need permission.
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Is it okay to quote another podcast?
The answer depends on what the exact quotation looks like. For example, I quote other podcasts and other content all the time while recording my podcast. I would call most of these quotes fleeting in nature. Usually, I briefly mention what somebody said on another podcast and give them a shout-out.
I’ve never considered running another podcast’s actual audio. Still, if that were to be something I wanted to do, I would ask for permission before using the audio or video clip.
In other words, briefly mentioning another show and giving them a shoutout seems fine to me. To download their audio and run that on my podcast would need permission from the host, in my opinion.
United States copyright law also has what is called “fair use.” I’m not a lawyer, so please consult your lawyer for legal guidance. As I understand fair use, it gives others some ways to use others’ content. What that exactly means can certainly be up for debate. We also discussed fair use on this episode of my podcast.
From a community-building standpoint, I would always recommend asking and getting permission. I would be surprised if many up-and-coming podcasters would say no. After all, I want they want their podcast to spread.
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How to ask for permission to quote somebody’s podcast
It’s probably as easy as reaching out to them via email, the contact form on their website, or a social media network they are active on.
Consider something like this:
Hello, <First Name>,
I’m a fan of your <insert podcast name> and specifically loved the episode titled <insert episode title>. I podcast/blog myself at <insert blog or podcast name> and was hoping to run a short clip of yours on one of my upcoming episodes.
Specifically, the clip from <time mark> to <time mark> would be great to use. Would you be okay with that?
Once you send that, please don’t use it if there’s no answer. Instead, wait for an answer and maybe consider following up.
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How to attribute content
Correct attribution is essential. Ensure you clearly say the podcast’s name and where people can find it. That way, people can seek it out. Consider putting it into the show description as well with a link.
In written content, give the proper credit by using the full name of the podcast and who is being quoted. Then, link all those things to the relevant web properties – i.e., the podcast website, the mentioned person’s website, and so on.
When sharing a direct quote, make sure it’s in quotation marks, so it’s communicated to the audience.
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It’s not a horrible idea to consider how to incorporate other content into our shows. Still, we also need to consider what’s legal and what’s not and whether or not the other creator would appreciate it.
From my end, I give shoutouts to other podcasts on my podcast verbally, but if I quote another podcast in an article, it would be very minimal. And for anything beyond that, I would recommend asking for permission and waiting for it.