How to make money with my website?

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Ah, the dream – making money with your website. And it’s possible. In Episode 669 of “The Business Storytelling Show,” I’m joined by Matt Raad, who, together with his wife Liz, is a successful website investor who teaches people how to buy, renovate, and sell websites to replace their income and build wealth. In other words, he is an expert at answering: how to make money with my website?

Matt has built a high cash flow portfolio by buying, renovating, and selling websites. As one of the pioneers in website investing, Matt transitioned from a corporate career in zoology to becoming a digital asset investor, replacing his income and achieving financial freedom. He now teaches others how to do the same and reach 6 and 7-figure incomes. Matt’s mission is to inspire people and help them achieve location-independent lifestyles through leveraged, high-cash-flow digital skills.

We discuss:

  • The role of content in website success, renovation, revenue growth
  • What websites are worth renovating?
  • How does a website renovation work?
  • What’s the role of SEO? And how about now with AI-powered search engines

Join us for this live chat to answer how to make money with my website. Here are some ways…

Watch the LinkedIn Live here.

This episode is produced by Trappe Digital LLC, hosted by Christoph Trappe, and supported by the E-Business Institute. 

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