How to look good bald with a beard – especially on live video podcasts

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There’s only so much I can do with that bald head. Years ago, when I first went bald, I started using makeup on video interview to avoid the glare of the lighting on my head. I also figure out ways to avoid the light glare on my glasses. And then – over a long holiday break without live video productions – I decided to grow a beard, which then of course got me thinking how to look good bald with a beard.

Coloring my beard before (left) and after (right)

Coloring my beard before and after

Here are some of the products I use:

Head and face

The scrub and mask does a nice job and is best used three times a week.

scrub and mask how to look good bald with beard

This morning and nighttime routine does wonders: how to look good bald with beard --- face creme routine

This facial kit is also great:

facial kit how to look good bald with beard

This facewash is great too:


Consider cleaning up your eyebrows with a razor like this. 

Those are the non-beard tips to look good bald with a beard. In short: Take care of the skin and if you must shave it, do that with your preferred razor to shave your head bald. I use a standard Gillette with shaving cream. 

head shaver


Let’s look at some of the products I use to make my beard look good. This is the beard part of how to look good bald with a beard.

Beard wash

Just like the face or hair, the beard needs to get washed. Here are two options:

The Beard Club beard wash

beard wash



The Viking Revolution Beard Wash and Conditioner

viking revolution beard wash and conditioner

A Derma roller helps with growth

A well-grown beard does wonders and looks great.
derma roller

Beard straightener

So does a straight beard. This product can help with that:

beard straightener

The Beard Club Grooming Kit

The Beard Club grooming kit has a lot of the tools and products, from trimmer to beard balm to beard shampoo.beard club trimmer

Dying your beard

Several products exist to dye your hair and they come in several colors. Here’s The Beard Club option:

the beard club dye

Let me show you how to put this on. Here’s me using the Just for Men beard color (light brown):

It’s possible to look good bald with a beard, no doubt, and these products help me get the most out of my face and head—with what I have to work with.


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