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The answer to how to see a podcast transcript on Spotify is simple for the podcaster: It’s completely automated, and you don’t have a choice. (Aside from that, I don’t see many – if any – negatives to having a transcript with your show.) When you upload your podcast through the free podcast host Spotify for Creators, they make that a condition of you hosting there.
Here’s how the reminder looks when I upload a video episode:
When it works, transcripts show up as an option in the episode description:
Then the transcript looks like this. Speakers are identified as Speaker 1, 2, etc. So that is super helpful!
But I’ve noticed that there’s no transcript for more recent episodes. So perhaps there’s a delay in them being processed:
I know on Apple Podcasts it takes a bit of time for transcripts to show, though not days.
So that’s how transcripts works on Spotify and where your listeners can find them when they are automatically available.
So when it comes to how to see a podcast transcript on Spotify, the answer is to just go to the episode and it should be right there.