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When you have a video podcast or guest on other people’s shows, there will be a time when your webcam will not focus. There are certainly a host of reasons for this, and the usually easy fix is to restart the computer or the program. But a restart is not that great when the podcast is being streamed live. At the least, it would be distracting.
A common reason why a webcam won’t focus
Usually, my eye-level camera is great, but every once in a while it does focus on something other than my face. For example, when I do Amazon product review videos, that can happen. Here, I’m showing a product from the Era Botanics Store. And since I showed it to the camera, the camera focused on the product. And not me.
Sometimes it also happens on “The Business Storytelling Podcast” when the guest and I fistbump. In that case, we move our knuckles toward the camera – without touching it – like we fistbump in real life.
The solution on how to focus webcam
The fix is actually quite easy. Whether the camera is focusing on some product I’m promoting or my fist, I simply move my hand straight back to my face. That prompts the cammera to follow the path I want it to take and once I get to my face it will almost immediately refocus on my face and keep the focus there.
If you aren’t holding anything toward the camera, just move your hand to the camera and move it back to your face to help it refocus. In those cases, I would say something like, “Oh, I’m blurry. Hey, camera. I’m over here.” That easily plays off the slight tech hiccup and explains why I’m doing what I’m doing.