How to drive traffic to other YouTube videos from your YouTube Shorts

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You can now drive traffic directly to other YouTube videos from your YouTube shorts. I first noticed this new feature in late December 2023 while uploading a YouTube short.

Once a video has been added, it shows directly on the bottom of the YouTube short and is clickable.

linking to another video from YouTube shorts

In this video, “641: What does authentic marketing in..” goes to a podcast video.

How to add the link

When you upload from the YouTube Mobile app, click “related video” and then find the video to link to.

linking to a video from YouTube shorts

How to create these related YouTube Shorts

There’s two easyish ways to create these YouTube Shorts.

Opus Clip

Run your longer video through Opus Clip, which will automatically create some clips for you. You can easily edit them as well by setting start and end points in the written-out script.

Read next: 

Directly in YouTube

In the mobile app, it’s now possible to directly grab Shorts from your videos and livestreams. Here’s how that looks:

creating shorts from YouTube videos 3

Switcher Studio

If you use Switcher Studio for your streams, you can also edit there. Here’s how that looks on an iPhone.

livestream clips from Switcher Studio

livestream clips reformat for social media

You can even pick a different background color. Then, after saving, you can trim the video down to the clip you want to share.

livestreaming clips editing in Switcher

Is this worth it?

Like anything, it’s a numbers game. The more relevant viewers, the more will click. So if your YouTube Shorts get thousands upon thousands of views, this can drive traffic to other videos – which can be good. Promoting your video podcast on YouTube can also be a good strategy. For now, I think it’s worth experimenting with.

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