How to comment on a podcast

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When it comes to how to comment on a podcast, the options are actually kind of limited. I like to break it down in two ways:

And there are real business benefits to commenting on a branded podcast. It’s a way of networking, adding your voice to the industry conversation, and depending on whose show it is and what you comment they might even invite you on as a guest. In fact, I invite most of the guests on “The Business Storytelling Show”  after they say something interesting online. That certainly can be a comment, a social media post or blog article.

Commenting on the livestream

Even years after I first published “Going Live: Livestreaming your podcast for the win” I still see it as the right strategy to livestream podcast recordings. It’s an easy way to reach more people on social media networks. And if you stream to YouTube and LinkedIn, people can easily leave comments during the live (and after when the replay is still available). For example, this “Marketing, Demystified” podcast livestream with Andy Crestodina had dozens of comments during the show. This is especially a good strategy when the guest simulcasts on Restream.

Given how established LinkedIn is for many businesses, commenting on relevant podcasts here makes sense. Of course, remember that your comments will also share the podcast with your followers.

Read next: Social proof examples for podcasters

Commenting on podcast networks

These would be Spotify, Apple and the like – basically the places where people usually listen to podcasts and have for years. Commenting there is a relatively new thing – aside from leaving reviews.

Spotify rolled out commenting in summer 2024, so you can comment on your favorite podcast episodes there.  Podcasters can then respond to comments.

Comments on Spotify

The Goodpods app has commenting below episodes as well. It encourages people to “Join the conversation.”

Goodpods app commenting

And that’s basically it from what I’ve seen when it comes to commenting on podcasts. Commenting on live recordings on LinkedIn or other networks makes the most sense to me – especially since hosts can actually respond to or acknowledge the comments verbally while streaming.

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