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How to cover up an electrical outlet – what does that have to do with content? Easy answer: Cords and outlets where they are plugged in can just look a bit unruly on livestreams or video podcasts. These show especially when I move my electric standing desk to the sitting position. Just look at this difference between an outlet with two things plugged in and one that has a wall plate plug with extender covering it. Hiding cords and outlets makes a difference. Let me show you the outlet cover to hide cords that I use.
Here’s the proof:
With cables.
And the place it is shows up on my livestreams. Here’s a wider angle:
Once covered up, it looks much better:
Equipment to hiding cords and outlets
I’ve shared other products for general cable management in your office here. So here it’s truly just about how to cover up an electrical outlet. I use the LIDER Flat-Face Outlet Extender.
So basically, it plugs into the top outlet of the two in the wall and then a plate covers up both of those outlets visually. The attached extension cord can be moved to where you need it to plug devices in. From there, you can plug in three devices. This whole setup can then easily be hidden behind a shelf or other furniture.
Here’s how it looks on a stream:
When it comes to a good podcast background, this is just another way to make things look cleaned and more professional. Definitely a good option if outlets are cluttering up your studio view.