You’ve got mail: Email marketing rules to follow

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Email marketing rules fall into a few categories:

  • Those that you have to follow because they are the law – like spam laws.
  • Then there are the ones that are best practices
  • Finally, we have email marketing rules that are things you learn – like email design – and that help you drive results in your marketing career.

On this episode of The Business Storytelling Show, I’m joined by Chad S. White of Oracle and author of the two-book part series “Email Marketing Rules.” Yup, there is so much to cover it doesn’t fit into one book!

We discuss:

  • Why do these different types of rules exist?
  • How do companies ensure that they are up to date on that rules must be followed and which ones are best practices?
  • Using the right email vendor for compliance with laws
  • Best practices to definitely follow
  • And more

Workshop: Setting up your CRM correctly to track email campaigns better

AI as part of your email marketing best practices

Of course, we can also use AI today to ensure our emails perform better. For example, I use to test my emails and then get AI-written recommendations.

I also use Copylime to help me with email copy (which works for some kind of emails) and for my pre-header text.

Show notes

Episode Summary:

In this episode, email marketing expert Chad White joins host Christoph Trappe to discuss email marketing rules and best practices. They cover topics like:

  • The different stakeholders that shape email marketing rules – government, inbox providers, subscribers, and businesses. Laws like CAN-SPAM in the US and GDPR in Europe.
  • Must-follow vs recommended rules. Some rules are non-negotiable while others have more flexibility.
  • Making email marketing processes less complicated internally. Educating stakeholders, streamlining approvals, planning ahead to avoid last-minute changes.
  • How email service providers can help guide you to follow rules and best practices.
  • Growing your subscriber list ethically. Getting email addresses doesn’t equal permission to send promotional emails. Respect subscriber expectations.

Key Takeaways:

Email marketing rules come from various stakeholders like government, inbox providers, subscribers, and businesses. It’s about balancing all their needs and expectations.

Some rules are must-follow, like authentication. Others have more flexibility for testing and optimization. Focus on foundational principles.

Streamline internal processes to avoid complications. Educate stakeholders who may not understand email marketing nuances.

Leverage your ESP to help guide you, but ultimately it’s on marketers to follow best practices.

Don’t add people to your promotional email lists without their clear opt-in consent and permission.

One thing is clear: Email is far from dead and is a great way to build relevant and two-relationships with our customers and prospects. That is when it’s done well and correctly.

Level up your email marketing now with ConvertKit


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