Gmail Privacy rules now ask you to opt into data being used in exchange for using the Gmail Smart Features.
Category: Strategies
How to improve your body language on video – like Zoom calls
A look at how body language on video (aka Zoom calls) is important and how to master it.
Why can’t I retweet someone’s tweet? (New terrible Twitter design update)
Twitter has made it harder to retweet other people’s tweets. This article shows how you can still do that.
Amazon star ratings: How Amazon calculates star ratings for different countries
A look at how Amazon star ratings are calculated for different countries based on the reviews given to the book.
How to automatically book meetings with the Calendly plugin
This article discusses how you can easily book meetings with people without the hassle of emailing 5,252 times. Specifically I’m diving into Calendly and the Calendly plugin for Chrome.
How to use your Apple Watch as a camera remote
You can use your Apple Watch as a camera remote for your iPhone. This article shows you how.
Why is my Instagram Reels video not saving to my camera roll?
Instagram Reels are not saving correctly all the time, but there’s a way around it. Here’s how you save to your camera roll.
Can content intelligence take the chaos out of content creation?
Content production and performance can be and often is chaotic. Especially in larger organizations. How do we make it more efficient and drive better results? Content intelligence processes can help. This articles dives into that topic.
How to fix the Japanese Keyword Hack
The Japanese Keyword Hack exploits sites and inserts spammy content to rank for Japanese keywords. Let’s talk about how to fix it.
Instagram Reels audio not working – how to fix that! [Updated]
Instagram Reels audio isn’t working and this article shows you how to get it back on. Hint: It’s not related to the phone’s volume being turned down.
How to pick Instagram hashtags – almost automatically
A look at how to add Instagram hashtags almost automatically while posting new pictures.
Power Tips to Boost Your Business for Halloween
Get Halloween marketing underway for your business. Read on to find marketing tips and new marketing templates.
Hiring writers: Are content production goals a good idea? Or pay them for performance?
Some companies now want to hire writers and only pay them on performance. Of course that’s not a fair model and we need to keep in mind their time and expertise to write the content. This article dives into how to mend the different opinions and work together.