Amazon now offers free samples on Kindle books and makes making money even harder for writers

Content creation of all kinds has been getting harder and things are not slowing down. Free samples of books are another piece of evidence here. I’ve written two books. Every once in a while, I use them as examples when people challenge me that “you […]

UPDATE: How to STILL share article links to Facebook Stories that link to your website [Social Media Tip]

September 2019 update: While this function was available for a few months in 2019, sharing links in Facebook Stories no longer seems to be available from mobile. Sharing an article from mobile and in the app, I got this message: But on a positive note, […]

Mobile content creation: How to easily embed tweets into your blog posts from an iPad

You know I love mobile content creation. Writing on my iPhone or iPad anywhere. Live video on walks. Editing video while waiting for an appointment. It’s all possible now and tools are getting better by seemingly the minute. I was pleased to see that you […]