Accessibility in Marketing: Why Your Business Needs to Be ‘Ridiculously Easy to See’

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There’s a reason they added the magnifying glass to the iPhone… At my advanced age, it’s getting harder and harder to read anything with teeny tiny text. Accessibility in marketing like that isn’t just an offline thing either. Online copy can have similar issues. Gray text on a white background, anyone? Who thought that was a good idea?

Welcome to the frustrating world of inaccessible marketing, where businesses unintentionally push away potential customers by making their content a challenge to consumers. Tiny copy. Unclear copy. Contrast issues. It’s just the start.

David Avrin, author of Ridiculously Easy to Do Business With” talked to me about the issue on Episode 686 of “The Business Storytelling Show.” 

“Most marketing materials are designed by people in their 30s, maybe 40s,” he said. “Business cards, menus, it’s form over function, but the vast majority of revenue comes from people over 50.”

This disconnect from the target audience creates a significant problem. Businesses invest time and money into marketing efforts, but that investment is wasted when consumers can’t engage with the content. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality and inclusivity.

The flip side of that small fonts on the menu scenario can also occur.

“I’ll go in there with a group of people. I’ll say, ‘Do you guys have menus, like actual menus?’ ‘Oh, no. Just scan the QR code.’ I said, ‘Well, I’m 60 years old. I can’t read this on my phone.'”

So why does this happen? It’s not malicious intent. David explains, “There’s no malicious intent. It’s just being naive.” Businesses often focus on what’s trendy or convenient for them, forgetting to consider the diverse needs of their audience.

Read next: How to make sure you have an accessible website

Channel preference

The shift towards digital-only solutions, accelerated by the pandemic, has exacerbated this issue.

“The world changed, of course, because of the pandemic, it became very easy for restaurants, for example, to just use a QR code, right? You didn’t have to touch menus. Nobody was spreading germs. Well, they became very enamored with the idea of the QR code.”

While this digital shift offers convenience and flexibility for businesses, it often overlooks the needs of a significant portion of their customer base. This oversight is not just a minor inconvenience—it can lead to lost business and damaged reputations. It’s a real accessibility in marketing issue.

Customer centricity can help here.

“Customer centricity means we don’t take our eye off the prize and are committed to being better than our competitors at understanding the changing wants, needs and expectations of our customers,” David said.

A customer-centric approach involves looking at every touchpoint in the business from the customer’s perspective. Are your marketing materials easy to read and understand? Can customers easily get in touch with you if they have questions or concerns?

And some of that involves flexibility.

“We have to be able to empower our front line. But we’re getting rigid, and the more rigid a company gets trying to control the process, the more frustrated we get as customers.”

“The key is, in a competitive marketplace, are you not just good? Are you preferable over the other choices?” he said.

Accessible marketing can be that differentiator that makes your business stand out.

When convenience and customer experience reign supreme, being “ridiculously easy to see” isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have. It’s about more than just visibility; it’s about respect for your customers, understanding their needs, and making it easy for them to engage with your business.

So, take a hard look at your marketing materials. Are they truly accessible to all your potential customers?  And when accessibility in marketing is the norm, your customers—and your bottom line—will thank you.


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