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Mistakes in personal data protection cause significant damage to both individuals and businesses. Even a seemingly insignificant inaccuracy in the implementation of privacy policies can cause data breaches or penalties. Therefore, to avoid financial losses or unfavorable court decisions, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to information protection. X-Ray Contact draws your attention to the top five mistakes that are most often made in the field of data protection:
- lack of consent of the parties when collecting content
- insufficient encryption
- disregard for the rights of the information owner
- prolonged storage
- incompetence of the business owner or employees
By keeping these points in mind, you can improve the security of your information storage, as well as prevent its likely leakage.
Information owner non-consent
Collecting data without the owner’s permission often results in sanctions. Therefore, if you want to obtain important information, it is, first of all, worthwhile to make contact with the intellectual owner. In this case, the safest option would be to ask him to give written consent to disclose information. It is also worth remembering that he has the right to refuse to disseminate not only data about himself, but also other information that he legally disposes of.
Insufficient protection
Today, data privacy experts offer quite a few effective methods to protect content during storage and transmission. Therefore, there is no need to rely on outdated methods or neglect protection altogether.
You should never skimp on encryption algorithms. The more secure the technology used, the more assured you are that your information will not fall into the wrong hands. To make sure you have the latest protocols in place, constantly monitor your security.
Disregarding the rights of actors posting and editing content
In accordance with GDPR principles, users who have data to collect are free to edit or delete it. If you want to use databases that someone else modifies, you need to give them the ability to control the process of submitting the information.
Compliance with the legislation is an important requirement for anyone publishing and storing information about individuals or organizations. Therefore, before downloading any material, you need to make sure that it is legal to do so.
Extending the retention period of information
Even the most valuable materials should only be kept for a certain period of time. If you keep it for too long, you increase the probability that confidential content will end up in the possession of third parties. Therefore, only store content that is in demand on your platform. If it is not used for a long period of time, it is better to delete it in time.
Insufficient knowledge of the responsible persons
Employees are the most vulnerable part of cybersecurity. Many attribute this state of affairs to the frequent lack of training in this area. Many IT workers have little understanding of the principles of protecting valuable materials and, as a result, make fatal mistakes when working with them.
Only quality training of personnel in the field of creating secure traffic can help solve this problem. After taking such courses, company employees will have a much better understanding of the intricacies of information protection and cybersecurity. This will enable them to effectively manage access to hidden content in any format possible today.
In this article, we have listed just a few information security mistakes. To avoid possible mishaps, you can contact the experts at X-Ray Contact who will make a proper assessment of the system you are using and suggest ways to modernize it.
If the leakage has already occurred, you need to take timely measures to restore the normal operation of your database. By utilizing the services of trusted cybersecurity experts, you can easily prepare yourself for the most serious challenges.